BitAuth authentication strategy for PassportJS.
Please note! This authenticates the request, it does not authorize it. You should think about how your application's permission structure is organized; there is a different between a user and a user who is permitted to perform an action.
// assuming you have an express application...
// if not: `var app = require('express')();`
// include the auth strategy
var BitAuthStrategy = require('../lib').Strategy;
// an example datastore
// in production, this is likely a real database
var users = {
'Tf7UNQnxB8SccfoyZScQmb34V2GdEtQkzDz': {
name: 'Alice',
sin: 'Tf7UNQnxB8SccfoyZScQmb34V2GdEtQkzDz'
'Tf22EUFxHWh4wmA3sDuw151W5C5g32jgph2': {
name: 'Bob',
sin: 'Tf22EUFxHWh4wmA3sDuw151W5C5g32jgph2'
passport.use(new BitAuthStrategy(
function(sin, done) {
if (!users[ sin ]) { return done( null , false ); }
return done( null , users[ sin ] );
app.use( passport.initialize() );
app.get( '/authenticated-endpoint', passport.authenticate('bitauth'), function(req, res, next) {
res.send('this request has been authenticated!');