
Passport strategy for drchrono authentication.

This module lets you authenticate with drchrono in your Node.js applications. By plugging into Passport, drchrono authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.


    $ npm install @nimblr/passport-drchrono


Create an Application

Before using passport-drchrono, you must register an application with drchrono. Your application will be issued a client ID and a client secret. These are required in order to authenticate your app with drchrono. You will also need to register your different redirect URIs authorized for your application. Visit the drchrono tutorial for more information.

Configure Strategy

The drchrono authentication strategy authenticates users using a drchrono account and OAuth 2.0 tokens. The client ID and secret are obtained when you create your application in the drchrono portal.

The strategy requires a verify callback which receives the access token, an optional refresh token, a profile with the authenticated user information, and a callback. The verify callback must call the passed callback with the user information to complete the authentication process.

    var DrchronoStrategy = require('@nimblr/passport-drchrono').Strategy
    passport.use(new DrchronoStrategy({
            clientID: 'abcdefgxs023934',
            clientSecret: 'assdfco09sdXDAdg9cxaaSASDF90asdgf0asdvc',
            callbackURL: ''
        function(accessToken, credentials, profile, cb) {
            User.findOrCreate(..., function (err, user) {
                done(err, user);

The verify callback can be supplied with the request object by setting the passReqToCallback option to true, and changing the callback arguments accordingly.

    passport.use(new DrchronoStrategy({
            clientID: 'abcdefgxs023934',
            clientSecret: 'assdfco09sdXDAdg9cxaaSASDF90asdgf0asdvc',
            callbackURL: '',
            passReqToCallback: true
        function(req, accessToken, credentials, profile, cb) {
            // ...

Authenticate Requests

Use passport.authenticate(), specifying the 'drchrono' strategy, to pass authentication of a request.

For example, as route middleware in an Express application:'/auth/drchrono',
      passport.authenticate('drchrono', { 
        clientID: CLIENT_ID, 
        clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET, 
        callbackURL: REDIRECT_URI }));'/auth/drchrono/callback', 
      passport.authenticate('drchrono', { /* credentials */ }),
      function(req, res) {
        // Successful authentication, redirect home.



The test suite is located in the test/ directory.

    $ npm test


All new feature or patch is expected to have test coverage. Patches that increase test coverage are happily accepted. Coverage reports can be viewed by executing:

    $ npm run test-cov
    $ npm run view-cov



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