
Passport strategy for authenticating an npm client.


const { NPMStrategy, NPMStrategyErrorHandler } = require('passport-npm');
// check the login of a user and create a user object
// set user to `false` if login is invalid
function authenticate({
  req, // HTTP.IncomingMessage
  name, // string
  password // string
}, done) {
  done(null, /* User on success || false on failure */);
// creates a string for `npm` to store in user .npmrc
// send a falsey string to not use tokens (not recommended)
// use this to prevent `npm` from storing username and password on disk
// commonly used to store an access token
function serializeNPMToken({
  req, // HTTP.IncomingMessage
  name, // string
  password // string
}, done) {
  done(null, /* non-falsey token string || false to store username and password instead */)
// similar to `authenticate`
// consumes the result token string serializeToken
function deserializeNPMToken({
  req, // HTTP.IncomingMessage
  token // string
}, done) {
  done(null, /* User on success || false on failure */);

passport.use(new NPMStrategy({
  // router needs to support router.put(...middleware)
  // registers PUT: /-/user/org.couchdb.user:*
  router, // optional
  passport.authenticate('npm', {
    // npm client doesn't have compatible sessions with PassportJS
    // - does not use a cookie
    // - uses bearer tokens and basic auth via HTTP authorization header
    session: false,
    // npm client doesn't have compatible response parsing with PassportJS
    // error.status will be the expected status code of the error
    // NOTE: `npm` does not like status codes that are not:
    //   200, 201, 400, 401, 403, or 500
    failWithError: true
  // function to convert responses so npm client understands them

In your project repositories wishing to connect to the npm authenticated server place a local $PROJECT/.npmrc file with:


Then run npm login to put your authentication information in your user configuration at ~/.npmrc.

This will keep your login information outside of your project.

Why [de]serializeNPMToken an not passport.[de]serializeUser?

npm uses the authorization: HTTP header and bearer tokens instead of Cookies. Passport only supports cookie based sessions normally. They are not named [de]serializeUser to avoid confusion with passport based sessions.

Why router?

This is required so that users can use npm login against your router. It is optional, but recommended if you support basic auth.

Why NPMStrategyErrorHandler?

npm expects a JSON response for failed logins, Passport sends back plaintext. This middleware will correct errors to a format npm understands and stop propagating the error. It expects error.status be the expected status code and error.message to be a message (Note: the npm cli often ignores custom messages).

Don't want to support tokens for npm?

Not recommended, but:

  1. mandate always-auth=true for your npm configuration
  2. ensure your ~/.npmrc has login (_auth and email) information entered in it properly.
  3. create a deserializeToken method that always generates an falsey user
  4. you must still have serializeToken successfully generate a falsey token (it will be thrown away after authentication)

Don't want to support basic auth for npm?

  1. Manually add your _authToken to your .npmrc file with syntax like:
//my.registry.invalid/:_authToken="string to pass to deserializeToken"
  1. create a authenticate method that always generates a falsey user.
  2. create a serializeToken method that always generates an Error.

Local testing

# startup
PORT=8080 node example.js
npm login --registry=http://localhost:8080/
# username = user
# password = pass
# email = # ignored
npm --registry=http://localhost:8080/ install passport-npm

npm doesn't always show the error messages I send

Correct, this is a feature of the npm client and not related to passport-npm.

npm is always sending basic auth

This is most likely caused by your ~/.npmrc user config having authentication information in it. Try npm logout then npm login.

Does this work with yarn?

Currently, we cannot reliably setup configuration for yarn due lacking options that match the npm client to perform integration tests. It does appear to work though at least naively.