
Remember that OAuth 1.0 is an authorization protocol. Let's examine how that relates to authentication.

During the authorization process, Twitter authenticated the user and obtained their consent to allow the application to access their account. Twitter then issued an access token to the application reflecting that authorization. When the access token is used to access the /account/verify-credentials.json API, information about the user who Twitter authenticated is returned.

This is known as delegated authentication. In effect, the application is not actually authenticating the user - Twitter is. The application delegated that responsibility to Twitter. The application is relying on Twitter to inform it about the user that authenticated. The end result is the same: the application knows who has logged in.

The distinction between authentication and delegated authentication is worth noting, however. It introduces another entity in the process (Twitter, in this case), which has implications. The user's log in experience is improved, as they no longer have to create an account or yet another password. On the other hand, privacy concerns arise when granting access to data. Often times the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, but each application will have different tradeoffs.

Now that Passport knows who has authenticated, it calls the application's verify function with the profile information as well as the token.

passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
  consumerKey: process.env['TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'],
  consumerSecret: process.env['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'],
  callbackURL: '/oauth/callback/twitter',
}, function verify(token, tokenSecret, profile, cb) {
  // ...

When the verify function is complete, Passport establishes a login session and redirects the user back to application, where they are now logged in.