Issuing Token

Once the application has received the authorization code, the application can exchange that code for an access token. It does this by making a token request to the authorization server's token endpoint (/v3.2/oauth/access_token, in the case of Facebook):

POST /v3.2/oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Let's examine the parameters in this request.

  • grant_type: Indicates the type of grant being exchanged for an access token. The value authorization_code indicates that an authorization code is being exchanged, which is used by server-side web applications.

    Recall that OAuth 2.0 is a framework. Additional grant types are available for exchanging several forms of credentials and supporting other types of applications and use cases. New types can be defined by extensions to OAuth 2.0. This guide explains OAuth 2.0 as used by server-side web applications, so details of other grant types are not examined.

    Exchanging the authorization code is the final step of an authorization code flow, which began with the earlier authorization request in which response_type was set to code.

  • code: The authorization code received from the authorization server in the authorization response.

  • redirect_uri: The redirect URL included in the earlier authorization request. Passport adds this automatically to prevent attacks that modify the value of this parameter in the authorization request.

  • client_id: Identifies the application to the authorization server. This is assigned when registering the application with Facebook.

  • client_secret: The client secret, which is typically assigned when registering the application. This acts similarly to a password, allowing the authorization server to authenticate the application.

Because the application is a server-side web application, the token request is sent from the backend to Facebook. This is often referred to as a back-channel request. This is in contrast to the authorization request, which is sent using redirects via the user's web browser. Requests that flow through a web browser are often referred to front-channel requests.

Given that front-channel requests travel through the user's web browser, any credentials or tokens carried in those requests are accessible to the user as well as scripts executing in the browser. This raises security concerns.

Because the authorization code flow completes with a back-channel request, it has a few important security benefits. One is the the ability to authenticate the client using the client secret, which can be confidentially stored on the backend. Another is that the resulting access token is issued directly to the application, without passing through the browser where it may be exposed to the user or scripts.

When Facebook receives this request, it authenticates the application using the client_id and client_secret. It then verifies that the authorization code is valid and was issued to the authenticated application. Finally, it confirms that the value of redirect_uri is identical to that included in the earlier authorization request.

If the authorization request is valid and authorized, Facebook issues an access token:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "access_token": "IAxLF5woqmfjTCHRD6gnp9X9RNVK3TG0",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 5169265

Let's examine the parameters in this response.

  • access_token: The access token issued by the authorization server. This token is a credential the application can use to access the resource server.

  • token_type: Indicates the type of token that has been issued. In this case, the value bearer signifies that the token is a bearer token.

    Once again, recall that OAuth 2.0 is a framework. The set of token types is extensible, and the definition of a type specifies how that token is used to access a protected resource and what additional parameters, if any, are included in the token response.

    This guide only examines bearer tokens, as they are the most common token type in use today and sufficient for a wide variety of applications. That being said, other token types (such as proof-of-posession) exist, and may be encountered in highly security-sensitive scenarios.

  • expires_in: The lifetime of the token, in seconds. In this case, the token is valid for approximately 60 days.

Keep in mind that at this point, even as the token request and response have been completed, Passport is still processing the authorization response using a route:

router.get('/oauth2/redirect/facebook', passport.authenticate('facebook', {
  successReturnToOrRedirect: '/',
  failureRedirect: '/login'

The token request is interleaved in the middle of processing the authorization response. A visualization of of the requests and responses that have occured up to this point looks as follows:

+-----+ <-- POST /oauth2/redirect/facebook --- +---------+
|     |                                        |         |
|     |   ----- Token Request  -----> +-----+  |         |
| App |   <---- Token Response ------ | AS  |  | Browser |
|     |                               +-----+  |         |
|     |   ...additional processing...          |         |
+-----+                                        +---------+

Now that the application has obtained an access token, it can access the user profile.