Create App

Before we can use Auth0 for sign in, we need to create an app in Auth0.

Go to the Auth0 Dashboard.

Navigate to Applications.

If you have an existing application, it will be listed on the applications screen. Click the application to obtain the client ID and secret, and proceed to configure the strategy. Otherwise, continue.

Click Create Application.

Enter a name for the application and choose Regular Web Applications as the application type. Click the Create button.

On the following screen, click the Settings tab. Scroll down and find the Allowed Callback URLs text area. Enter 'http://localhost:3000/oauth2/redirect'. Below that, find the Allowed Logout URLs text area. Enter 'http://localhost:3000/'. Scroll down futher and click Save Changes.

Scroll up to the top and find the Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret values for the newly created app. Next, we will use these values to configure the strategy.