
This tutorial guides you through building Todos - an app for keeping track of tasks that need to get done. People access their individual to-do list by signing in with their Facebook account.

You'll start by building a page that allows users to sign in with Facebook. Then you'll add session management and sign out functionality.

If you want to see where you are headed, here's an example of the final result:

To build this app, you'll need a working development environment with Node.js and Git, as well as an editor and terminal of your choosing. Take a moment to set up these tools if you have not already done so.

Let's get started!

Clone the starter app, which has all the scaffolding needed to build a to-do list.

$ git clone facebook-tutorial

You now have a directory named facebook-tutorial. Change into it.

$ cd facebook-tutorial

Take a moment to browse through the files in the starter app. As you work through this tutorial, you'll be using Express as a web framework, along with EJS as a template engine and CSS for styling. You will use SQLite as a database for storing data. Don't worry if you are not familiar with these technologies -- the necessary code will be provided at each step.

Next, install the dependencies.

$ npm install

And start the server.

$ npm start

Check to see if its working. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You should be greeted with a page explaining how Todos helps you get things done.

Next, you will add a signin page to the app.